All World Literature Colloquium Events are free and open to the public. They are held in Clark 206 unless otherwise noted, and light refreshments are served. 

“The Protean Virgil: Book History and the Reception of Aeneid 1 in the Renaissance”
Dr. Craig Kallendorf,  Professor of English and Classics at Texas A&M University

Friday, April 25

Open Forum: “Return to the River: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rivers in
World Literature”

Wednesday, April 2 from 4:15 – 5:15 PM

This meeting of the Interdisciplinary World Literature Colloquium will reprise and expand the topic of Charles Burroughs’s January 2014 lecture on rivers in world literature. Discussion will focus on poems and prose in Greek, Latin, French, English, and Italian as well as on selected artworks. Presenters will include Florin Berindeanu, Charles Burroughs, Sarah Gridley, Takao Hagiwara, and Timothy Wutrich.

“From the Tigris to the Tiber: A Case of Babylonian ‘Astro-Medicine’ in Pliny the Elder”
Maddalena Rumor (Doctoral Candidate, Freie Universität, Berlin),

Wednesday, February 19 from 3:00 – 4:30 PM in Mather House 100.

“The Speaking River: Voices In and From the Urban Landscape”
Dr. Burroughs, Smith Professor of Humanities and Chair of the Department of Classics at CWRU

Thursday, January 23 at 4:30pm

“Pearl Harbor: Sneak Attack of Provocation”
Takao Hagiwara, Associate Professor of Japanese in the Modern Languages and Literatures Department

Thursday, December 5 at 4:15pm